Rock Creek Middle School Clubs Materials

Grant - August 2022

School: Rock Creek Middle School
Subject/Area of Influence: School Supplies
Cost of Grant: $372.39

At Rock Creek Middle School we take pride in being able to offer a wide variety of clubs so that our students can try out different things and get to know other students in our school. It is one of the ways that we have really connected our students and teachers across all grade levels. In order to have successful clubs, we need materials and supplies. We are attempting to secure funds to purchase materials and supplies for our clubs. These could be items like craft supplies for the craft club, yarn and thread for sewing and crocheting clubs, cards and markers for our sunshine club, sheet music for our new jazz club, books for the movie vs the book club, and totes for our recycling/green club. These are just a few of the items that have been requested so far. I would love to be able to apply for the grant yearly as we have consumables needed each year.

Lindsey Baribeau - Middle School Teacher


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